Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Blog Assignment #18: "A Blessing" Imitation

Assignment: After reading James Wright's "A Blessing," write an animal-inspired poem in which your observation and/or interaction with an animal teaches you something or brings about an emotional response (positive or negative) of some kind. Your muse can be any kind of animal (domesticated, wild, an animal whose story made it into the news, etc.).

In terms of construction, take your cue from Wright's poem:

  1. Your poem should be 24 lines long.
  2. In terms of content for each line, try to reproduce the poetic move made by Wright. For example, the first line explains the setting. Thus your poem should clue the reader in on setting. Likewise, lines 18 and 19 are physical description of the animals. Therefore, your lines 18 and 19 should provide physical description of the animal or animals.
  3. Finally, pay attention to line length and any metrics (number of syllables) Wright is using and try to use them as your own.

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